Why choose an Air Source Heat Pump?

Why choose an Air Source Heat Pump?

What is an air source heat pump?

An air source heat pump is a renewable energy technology that harnesses heat from the outdoor air to warm buildings and supply hot water. There are two primary types of air source heat pumps:

  1. Air-to-water heat pumps: These are the more prevalent type and are tailored to function with wet central heating systems, offering both heating and hot water to households.
  2. Air-to-air heat pumps: In contrast, these pumps are engineered to regulate the temperature inside homes by circulating warm or cool air through ducts or air handlers, providing both heating and cooling functionalities.

How does an air source heat pump work?

It functions by extracting heat from the outdoor air, then compressing and transferring it through a heat exchanger into your home. This heat is utilized to warm the home's radiators, underfloor heating system, or hot water cylinder.

Air source heat pumps require electricity to power the compressor and circulating pumps. However, they are capable of generating more energy than they consume, making them a cost-effective and efficient option compared to conventional heating systems.


The benefits of having an Air source Heat Pump are...


Heat pumps demand minimal upkeep, offering a convenient choice for both homeowners and business proprietors.


When properly maintained, air source heat pumps can last for as long as 20 years. This longevity offers a sustainable heating solution for your home.


Air source heat pumps are known for their higher efficiency compared to gas, oil, or LPG boilers. On average, these pumps have an efficiency rating of 300%, generating three units of energy for every unit of electricity consumed. In contrast, A-rated gas boilers operate at around 90% efficiency. In specific situations, air source heat pumps can even achieve efficiencies of up to 500%.


Air source heat pumps generate fewer carbon emissions than conventional heating systems, making them a greener choice. Opting for this option can decrease your carbon footprint and support a cleaner, more sustainable future.


What type of homes are suitable for Air Source Heat Pumps?

 The compatibility of a home with an air source heat pump depends on various factors, such as a home's size, insulation, and existing heating system. The size of a home is crucial. Air source heat pumps work best in well-insulated homes with a modest heat requirement. Larger homes or those with high heat demands may require multiple heat pumps, which can increase costs. Insulation plays a significant role in the heat pump's efficiency. If a home lacks proper insulation, you might need to enhance it before installing an air source heat pump. If your current heating system utilizes radiators, you may have to switch to larger radiators or underfloor heating to ensure the heat pump can adequately heat a home.


Although we don't sell Air Source Heat Pumps (yet) we can recommend trusted companies that do and also offer more information if you require it. As these seem to be the way of the future it's fair to say it won't be long before we are adding them to our expanding business.

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